Tuberous Breast

Tuberous breasts is a hereditary condition that can affect both women and men. With tuberous breasts, the breasts do not develop correctly and fully during puberty. The lower half of the breast may remain attached to the chest wall and doesn’t grow out entirely. Tuberous breasts aren’t merely underdeveloped or small breasts. Symptoms include:

  • Enlarged, puffy areola;
  • Unusually wide spacing between the breasts;
  • Minimal breast tissue;
  • Sagging breasts;
  • Herniated tissue;
  • Higher than normal breast fold, or bottom of the breast; and
  • A narrow base at the chest wall.

What is involved in a tuberous breast surgery?

While breast augmentation is often indicated for tuberous breasts, implants alone may not fix the deformities. In addition to naturally looking breast augmentation, a tuberous breast patient may require:

  • Lowering of the breast fold to a more natural position;
  • Correction of herniated breast tissue, if present;
  • A periareolar telescoping excision or periareolar lift.
  • Fat grafting to increase lower pole volume.

Tuberous breast correction surgery is not your typical breast augmentation procedure. It can take up to 6 months for your breasts to heal and for you to begin seeing results from your breast augmentation and accompanying procedures performed to correct tuberous breasts.