Ear Surgery
Prominent ears can be embarrassing. Children and adults of all ages can benefit from otoplasty. When considering an otoplasty procedure, it is important to clearly discuss your goals and expectations with our surgeons. It is essential that a child presenting for prominent ear correction wishes to have their ears corrected and are fully engaged in the process. Clear communication between patient and surgeon is paramount to a successful surgery.
What results can I expect from otoplasty?
After surgery, your ear(s) will be covered with a bulky pressure dressing; this dressing must remain in place for the week after your surgery. When this initial dressing is removed, we advise that a head band in worn at night for 6 weeks. You may experience some discomfort after surgery which can be managed with medication.
What is involved in otoplasty?
Prominent ear correction is performed as same-day surgery with minimal pain and swelling. Typically sutures are placed in the ear cartilage, using an incision behind the ear, to recreate the normal fold in the ear cartilage. The incisions are completely hidden behind the ears. Your surgeon will fully discuss the risks of surgery with you during your consult.